By the end of March and with Tremor over, there is a change of foliage across the Azorean-adjacent social media. The profile pictures become pictures of hugs, beers in hands, people having a good time by waterfalls, people enjoying concerts, people having fun with each other. This kind of collective photo-phenomenon is only possible thanks to one person: Vera Marmelo, the tireless photographer at Tremor's service since 2015, to whom we gave the arduous task of choosing a single story about a festival that she has been photographing for 8 years. Vera claims she doesn’t have many personal Tremor stories and explains why:
«During Tremor, I function on an average of 3 hours of sleep. While people dance the night away, I'm already at the hotel doing energy management and editing the hundreds of photos I took that day. Even on the last day, what I do is: the concerts are over, I go to the hotel room, I start editing photos, I go to the airport and, while I'm waiting for the plane, I'm editing photos (with everyone sleeping around me). Then I get on the plane, I edit photos during the trip and when I get to Lisbon, I just upload the photos onto the blog and then I make the posts. But I think this instantaneousness is worth it. I recall sometimes walking around concerts and finding someone on their phone scrolling through my blog, because they know the photos are available the next day. That’s why I say I don’t have many personal stories at Tremor. Sometimes I feel like I’m not enjoying the full experience of the festival. I’m passively watching the festival. But I also wouldn’t want to give up photographing it, because I feel like I’m photographing things so that other people, when they later see the pictures, remember what they were enjoying at that moment.»