
While “senior” festivalgoers sleep and recover from the night before, an underworld of concerts, performances and workshops aimed at children take place during the mornings of the festival. To present us with some morning memories of Tremor, André Menezes Melo (member of Dú-Dé-DU, founder of Musiquim, production director of Estúdio 13, actor, director and, more important than all this, veteran in the indoctrination of the importance of Art in Childhood) takes credit for having been a part of the first Mini-Tremor in the history of the festival (2016):

«I think that at the time the challenge of making the first Mini-Tremor came from António Pedro Lopes and, mainly, from Kitas, who had just become a father and, as such, began to understand the importance of making things for the little ones. As Du-Dé-Du, we hadn’t even released our first album yet, but we agreed to do this first concert in the middle of the central square of the SolMar Shopping Center. Our “dressing room” was in the old pet store in the shopping center and we came out from behind some stairs, like some type of very special creatures. There were families there who clearly didn't even know what was about to happen. There were kids invading the stage, kids trying to rip off the stage. So, what we did (and it happens every year) was to incorporate that into the show and make it interactive. Doing shows for families means knowing how to play with unpredictability that comes with it. But it was wonderful because that was probably many of those children's first concert. Especially because there were very small children in the audience. Proof that it worked is that in the following year’s Mini-Tremor, with Impromptu (2017), we already had a “legion of fans” waiting for us at Igreja do Colégio.»


101 Plutão Camaleão
102 Yuzin
103 Lovers and Lollypops

Patrocinadores principais

104 Governo dos Açores
105 Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada
106 Câmara Municipal de Ribeira Grande
137. Republica Portuguesa + DGArtes
141 visit Portugal

parceiros criativos

107 Arquipélago Centro de Artes Contemporâneas
108 Coliseu Micaelense
109 Teatro Micaelense
110  Estúdio 13
142 Museu da Lagoa
143 Fonseca Macedo

mecenas residências artísticas

111 Fundação Millenium BCP

Parceiros mediáticos

112 Antena 3
114 RTP Açores
115 Antena 1 Açores
144 RTP


117 FLAD
118 A.C. Cymbron, S.A.
119 Galp
120 Fundação Galp
123 Grupo Bensaude
124 Wayzor
125 Bentrans

apoio / support

126 Certificado Açores
129 Etep
130 Cision
131 La Bamba
132 Cultura Governo dos Açores
133 Museu Carlos Machado
134 Neat Hotel
135 Cresaçor
138 meo
138 VidAçor
139 edge
145 Lagoa Municipio
146 UAc
147 Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada
148 EDA Renováveis
149 Santo António
150 Pedreira Marques
151 Espaço Nóbrega

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